Bernie and Robyn Cornfoot and Sons Earthmoving was established in the mid-1980s with a single truck and trailer. The company grew steadily through the 1990’s with projects mainly concerned with land development, road construction and industrial site development, predominantly located in metropolitan Melbourne and across Victoria. By 2005 the fleet comprised of a number of 623B/G elevating scrapers, 627B push scrapers, compactors, water trucks, dozers and excavators. Since then, with the mining boom, Bernie Cornfoot and Sons Earthmoving have endeavored to offer its strong family orientated service Australia Wide. While engaging in mine development and civil laydowns, through to mine and quarry rehabilitation, irrigation and dam construction. We are constantly updating our fleet and training our operators in best practice techniques, utalising GPS/UPS machine control, and all the while, keeping a strong safety culture, and entrenching family values that have sustained and grown the company from its humble beginnings.